Monday, March 25, 2013

Murder Mystery Party

Who dun it?

So I participated in a murder mystery dinner with work friends.  I played the emcee of an Oscars-type award show. I love getting dressed up, so this was, of course, super fun. 

Black pants (Old Navy), Gold sequin top (Forever 21), Tux Blazer (Forever 21), black patent heels (Target)
The bowtie I borrowed from my father.  The pants I had to shorten.  I have a problem with pants shrinking lengthwise.  When I buy them, they fit, a few washes later they're hanging around my ankles.  So, I chopped these off and made them work for this outfit. 

Throw in some cool shades, a mic, and a killer Coach clutch (a Christmas present... remember kids, I'm on a budget!), and I'm ready to start the evening. 

Your Nerd on a Budget,

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Clothing Dump #4

3 weeks worth of outfits... 

Sorry 'bout that. :)

FIRST:  A trio of outfits featuring homemade skirts:

Cream card (Target), ruffle tank (H&M), oxfords (Target)
I made the navy skirt based on a tutorial found here.  It really is an amazingly easy skirt, and flattering.  I added pockets in mine, by sewing a quick pocket into the side seams. 

Blue sweater (Forever 21), boots (Target)
The polka dot skirt is the same pattern as the navy skirt, but I got lazy and didn't put pockets in it. 

Blue tee (H&M), purple cardi (Gap), boots (Target)
This skirt used to be a strapless dress from Target.  I bought it knowing that strapless dresses and I don't mix well, but I really loved the pattern. Eventually I gave up, cut off the top, and added a basic elastic waistband.  Boom.  Skirt. 

Next, a trio of outfits featuring leggings and dresses:

Black leggings (walmart), kimono dress (Target), black long sleeve (Target), sparkle flats (Target)

Black leggings (walmart), kimono dress (Target), black cardi (Target), boots (Target)

Black leggings (walmart), black long sleeve (Target), black sparkle flats (Target), green shirtdress (Old Navy), black belt (Target)
St. Patrick's day was on a Sunday, so this was my Friday before outfit.  Beware the ides of March, people. 

 Next, two weekend outfits:

Boyfriend capris (Target), button-up (Target), grey card (Forever 21), Toms
Awesome Mr. J bought me these Toms for Christmas.  They're amazing. So is he :).

Grey skinnies (Target), cardi (Target), Chucks, Lord of the Flies Tee (
Sucks to your auntie, and sucks to your ass-mar.

Three Outfits featuring Black Skinnies (Target):

Black Boots (Target), grey shirt (Target), pink/orange tank (Target)
Ladies and Gentlemen, it was bound to happen.  An entirely Target purchased outfit.  I'd like to thank the academy. 

sparkle flats (Target), black cardi (Target), orange tank (Old Navy)

Kimono Top (Forever 21), boots (Target)
I haven't worn this shirt in years, but it was a hit at school. 

And the rest:
 black skirt (Gap Outlet), black flats (urban Outfitters), green tank (old Navy), Grey Cardi (Forever 21)
This was my day after St. Patricks Day outfit.  Gotta represent. 

Skirt (Target), Black sweater (Target) Sparkle flats (Target)
Hoky Spoons, twice in one post!

Khaki Skirt (Old Navy), boots (Target), Pink Sweater (??)
The sweater was a hand-me-down from my sister.

khakis (Gap Outlet), oxfords (Target), tank (Victoria's Secret), cardi (Old Navy), button up (Old Navy)

Denim Skirt (Old Navy) boots (Target), Sweater (target), purple tights (Target)

I feel like I should start a bid for a sponsorship from Target. 

Your Nerd on a Budget, 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



A fellow teacher got me this today...

... there's more lunch on the inside.  Lunches are cool. 

Your Nerd on a Budget,

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Clothing Dump #3

Weeks 4 & 5

Pants (Banana Republic Outlet), Sweater (Ann Taylor Loft Outlet), flats (Urban Outfitters)
I love these pants.  They're really comfortable.  The sweater, too.  Its a go-to comfort-at-work outfit.

Sweater Dress (Old Navy), Cardi (Old Navy), boots (Target)
I keep trying to make this dress work.  Its like... it works on paper, but not in real life.  I feel frumpy. But I felt that only putting good outfits up would be cheating. 

 Pants (Old Navy), Cardi (H&M), Peter Pan Collar shirt (Urban Outfitters) Boots (Target)
Had kind of a special day at work, so I word something I could chase the kiddos around in.  I love this shirt, btdubs.  It is definitely one of my favorite shirts.  It has a really cute tulip back, as well. 

Jeans (Kohls), Cardi (Forever 21), shirt (Old Navy), Toms
Casual day as I ran around the theater. I have a mild Toms addiction... I have 4 pairs.  One is torn and dead.  My purple cords are in good shape, but really smelly.  I have two other pairs that were gifts from J and my sis.  J got me red polka-spotted ones... they're amazing. 

 Black skinnies (Kohls), black tee (Target), vest (Primark), blue pointy toes (??)
Performance night!  I ran sound.  I like wearing black during theater nights.  It really makes people not talk to you, which is really convenient if you have a job to do.  Plus, I'm an introvert and would rather not talk to people I don't really know in the first place.  Maybe the introverts natural uniform should be all black...
The vest is one of my England leftovers.  Primark is a magical store that should definitely make the trek to the US.  I miss it.  The shoes were for a splash of color.  My days in high school symphony taught me one thing: you always need a splash of color. 

shirt dress (Target), cardi (Old Navy), belt (Target), boots (Target)
I think the equation for a good outfit is bad outfit + belt = good outfit.  I really looked like a sack of potatoes in this until I added the belt.

 Skirt (H&M), button up (Target), sweater (Target), loafers (Target)
I looooooooved this outfit.  Felt like a librarian, which was a good thing.  

 skirt (Old Navy), striped shirt (Forever 21), sweater (Gap), boots (Target)
I have had this skirt and the one in the following outfit since high school.  They never age.  They are very comfortable.  Basic black/khaki pencil skirts will always be needed.  I will keep them forever. 

cardi (H&M), skirt (Old Navy), shirt (Old Navy), boots (Target)
I bought this shirt online.  I really am hesitant to get Old Navy online because their sizing varies soooo much.  I bought an extra small, and it was huge.  Like... billowing potato sack huge.  So I cut off the sleeves and sewed up the sides.  Now it is a cute tank.  Which reminds me... I need to do a post on repurposed/homemade clothing. 

Your Nerd on a Budget, 

Why post about clothes?

In which a new blogger's self esteem is unintentionally called into question.

Almost immediately after I began this blog, a friend asked me a simple question that I’ve probably spent way too long thinking about.  She asked this question with genuine curiosity, without sarcasm.  An easy, frank question asked out of an honest desire to know.  This seemingly straightforward question made me question why I ever wanted to do a blog in the first place, which, for a first-time blogger, was a bit of a left hook right in the self-esteem.

She asked, “Does it really matter?”


Interpretation:  Does it really matter what you wear everyday?  Does it matter if you repeat outfits, or look a little lazy one day, or wear a black belt with brown shoes because you were really tired that morning?

My gut reaction came easily; of course it doesn’t matter.  What you wear is not important, in the way that how you think, behave, and treat others is important.  No, my clothes do not make me a more enlightened being.  At the end of the day, whether or not I have bettered the world around me has nothing to do with how I have adorned myself. 

So then, why am I spending time sharing my clothing choices with the world?  Now that’s the tough question.

My answer to this took more time.  I’m not sure I have an answer yet, at least a fully formed one.  It basically stems around the idea of first impressions. 

Clothes do not make you who you are, and thank God for that.  Who you are is an internal thing.  It’s how you interpret the world, and how you externalize that interpretation. How you regard those around you.  It’s the things you create and give to society.  It’s how much better or different the world will be when you are finished.  We would live in a drastically different world if we could clothe ourselves in who we are.  Imagine walking up to a person and knowing just from sight alone that that person is someone who will uplift you just by being in his or her presence.   That’s not the way the world works.  And maybe that’s a good thing.  Maybe not.  But we can’t change that.

We cannot show the internal aspects of ourselves in public, but we must display the externals.  No way around it.  If the external is all I have to show someone who I am, how I expect to be treated and regarded, don’t I want to take the time to make sure that what I’m showing is what I want being seen?

I read a good article a long time ago on College Fashion called “25 Reasons to Dress Up Everyday.”  If you haven’t yet seen it, read it.  It makes me want to put on all the sequins I own.   A few of the 25 reasons relate to what I’ve already discussed.  Some are more frivolous, though still true.   The first reason, in my opinion, is the best.  It simply states, “Because life’s too short to blend in.  Don’t settle for average.” 

How cool is that?

Everyday, we get the wonderful opportunity to meet the world head on and show it who’s boss.  Why, why, why would you want to blend in, or be lost in the crowd?  You are you.  You are beautiful, creative, clever, inspired, and incredible, but most of all you are unique.  You can’t change that no matter how hard you try.  So go out and show everyone else how cool you are.  Make them see you.  Make yourself impossible to be ignored.  You deserve it.

So, in the end, I guess that’s my answer.  Why make a blog about clothes?  Because clothes are the best thing I have in my arsenal to show everyone else who I am.  I’m poor, I have a lot of clothes, and this is how I’m using them to kick arse and take names on a daily basis. 

Your Nerd on a Budget,

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

1st Weekly Challenge

Semi-Weekly Self-imposed Challenge #1

I’m getting bored of posting mainly about clothes, so I thought I’d set myself weekly “challenges.”  Just something easy to try each week, comment on, and see if I like it or not.  I have a few ideas, but I’ve decided to start with makeup. 

I am all for bare faces.  I usually can’t be arsed to do makeup in the morning.  Get up extra early to put some gunk on my face?  No thanks.  However, I am a young teacher at a middle school.  I often get confused as one of the kids, and makeup does make me feel like I look a bit more mature.  I’m also one of the few teachers who still gets blemishes, so they must be covered every now and then.  Let’s see how this goes…

Monday:  Normally I hate getting out of bed on Mondays, but this morning I was surprisingly chipper.  This was even after staying up to watch the end of the Oscars On that note, Argo.  Argo?! My heart aches for Les Miserables.  But I digress.  I got up, dressed, got my makeup on (eyeshadow, mascara, blush, bit of lip color) and went on my merry way.  I did feel a bit more “put together” today.  My dark eye circles were mostly covered.  My boy called me pretty.  Good day.

Tuesday:  WHY. WHY. WHY.  WHY DO MORNINGS COME TO TORMENT ME.  WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS TORTURE.  MAKE IT END.  But I was good, did the face stuff.  Brighter eyeshadow today, darker blush, mascara, bit of lip color.    

Wednesday:  Much the same as Tuesday.  I’m getting it down to a pretty quick routine, though, so that's something. 

Thursday: I’m afraid to say I cheated today.  I had kind of a casual day at school today, but we had a function at night.  So I saved my makeup regime for the evening times.  I had some fun with a darker lip color than is necessary for daytime, though.  On a side note, makeup does not have an effect on how old I look.  I forgot my ID, and was refused a drink after the school function.  Coke for me, thanks.

Friday:  …It just didn’t happen today.  But four out of five days, come on, that’s pretty good, right?

I think I’ll continue the makup thing, as much as I can.  I do feel a bit more put together when wearing makeup, and there’s something to be said for that.  Now if I could only get rid of the pounds of hair on my head, I’d feel all alright again.  Alas, long hair for the wedding it must be.  I’ll regret a cut, I know I will.

Your Nerd on a Budget,

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Martini Monday

Dressin' like a dude...

My friend Amy decided to host these get togethers on Monday nights in which she gets to show off her awesome bar tending skills and we get to put on silly costumes.  Pure fun.  This Monday was "Manly Monday," and was the perfect excuse to wear a bowtie.  I know, like anyone really needs an excuse to wear a bowtie... but I digress.

black skinnies (Target), blue button-up (H&M), vest (Forever 21), chucks (?, I've had these since high school), bow tie (JCPenney)

The goal for the Nerd on the Budget was to do the costume without purchasing anything, a total costume from the closet.  Of course this helps if you can also shop from your fiancĂ©'s closet.  I stole the hat from J.  The only thing I purchased was the bowtie, but it was only $7 and I've wanted a bowtie for forever.  So, I wrote this off as a necessary expense.  Plus, it had martinis on it.  It was meant to be...

me and Nen, my bestie

Nen and I looked pretty durn dapper.  We decided she looked like she belonged in an 80's music video and I looked like I was out for a gig with Mumford & Sons.  I took that as a compliment.

Dress up every now and then.  Then make up a persona and act as that person all night.  It's super fun.

Your Nerd on a Budget,

Downton Abbey Tea Party


What do you do when one of your favorite TV shows is having its season finale, and you come from a family of complete nerds?


You have a Downton Abbey Tea Party, of course.  

Now, when I first pitched this idea to my mother, I was sure she'd shoot me down.  After all, this combines two of her least favorite things: deviating from her normal schedule, and letting me loose in her kitchen.  Much to my surprise, she took to this shindig like a Doctor Who fan to a bowtie.  

Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea
~ Menu~
Classic English Scones
Served with clotted cream and homemade strawberry jam

Cucumber Finger Sandwiches

Traditional Shortbread Fantails

Chocolate Caramel Cake

All served with Twinings loose English Breakfast Tea

We had fun compiling recipes, remembering our teas at Edinborough Castle and Betty's Tea Room in York.  Mom tapped into her Scottish roots and tried to channel her Granny while making scones from a recipe found here.  I found the cucumber sandwich recipe here.  The shortbread fantails were from an old old cookbook I bake from sometimes, but similar recipes are easily found.  My super-domestic sister, Rinna, provided the homemade jam even though she could not attend herself. 

Chocolate Caramel Cake... delicious and beautiful and uuungnngnng... Just choose not to think about how much better went into this.  It's better that way, for all of us. 

The Chocolate Caramel Cake and scones were the most difficult to attempt, as the measurements used the metric system.  Mom about had a fit when she needed to use approximately 4/5ths of a cup of flour.  However, everything was a delicious success!

We used my grandmother's china and a hand embroidered tablecloth to make it extra swanky.  After setting the table in an obsessive manner that would have made Mr. Carson proud, we invited the menfolk in to the dining area.  Mom and I were briefly terrified that the light sandwiches, cake, and baked goods would not be enough to curb the appetites of J and my dad, but we were pleasantly surprised and all fully stuffed by our spread.   

I enjoy dressing up, and usually try not to pass up the opportunity for a silly outfit.  I tried my hardest to choose a Downton Day costume, but none came to light.  I have no large hats, no dour black maid's uniform, and no beaded gorgeous evening wear.  I eventually settled on my most ridiculous of headbands.

I ended up looking a bit like Pointless Rose, so that was good enough, I suppose.  Mom and I decided that Dad should not wear a tuxedo.  After all, this is not a barbeque.  

So, we tucked in to our tea party, then settled in for a glorious 90 minutes of bagpipes, drunken Mr. Molesleys, and feels.  So many feels...

Your Nerd on a Budget,