Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Why post about clothes?

In which a new blogger's self esteem is unintentionally called into question.

Almost immediately after I began this blog, a friend asked me a simple question that I’ve probably spent way too long thinking about.  She asked this question with genuine curiosity, without sarcasm.  An easy, frank question asked out of an honest desire to know.  This seemingly straightforward question made me question why I ever wanted to do a blog in the first place, which, for a first-time blogger, was a bit of a left hook right in the self-esteem.

She asked, “Does it really matter?”


Interpretation:  Does it really matter what you wear everyday?  Does it matter if you repeat outfits, or look a little lazy one day, or wear a black belt with brown shoes because you were really tired that morning?

My gut reaction came easily; of course it doesn’t matter.  What you wear is not important, in the way that how you think, behave, and treat others is important.  No, my clothes do not make me a more enlightened being.  At the end of the day, whether or not I have bettered the world around me has nothing to do with how I have adorned myself. 

So then, why am I spending time sharing my clothing choices with the world?  Now that’s the tough question.

My answer to this took more time.  I’m not sure I have an answer yet, at least a fully formed one.  It basically stems around the idea of first impressions. 

Clothes do not make you who you are, and thank God for that.  Who you are is an internal thing.  It’s how you interpret the world, and how you externalize that interpretation. How you regard those around you.  It’s the things you create and give to society.  It’s how much better or different the world will be when you are finished.  We would live in a drastically different world if we could clothe ourselves in who we are.  Imagine walking up to a person and knowing just from sight alone that that person is someone who will uplift you just by being in his or her presence.   That’s not the way the world works.  And maybe that’s a good thing.  Maybe not.  But we can’t change that.

We cannot show the internal aspects of ourselves in public, but we must display the externals.  No way around it.  If the external is all I have to show someone who I am, how I expect to be treated and regarded, don’t I want to take the time to make sure that what I’m showing is what I want being seen?

I read a good article a long time ago on College Fashion called “25 Reasons to Dress Up Everyday.”  If you haven’t yet seen it, read it.  It makes me want to put on all the sequins I own.   A few of the 25 reasons relate to what I’ve already discussed.  Some are more frivolous, though still true.   The first reason, in my opinion, is the best.  It simply states, “Because life’s too short to blend in.  Don’t settle for average.” 

How cool is that?

Everyday, we get the wonderful opportunity to meet the world head on and show it who’s boss.  Why, why, why would you want to blend in, or be lost in the crowd?  You are you.  You are beautiful, creative, clever, inspired, and incredible, but most of all you are unique.  You can’t change that no matter how hard you try.  So go out and show everyone else how cool you are.  Make them see you.  Make yourself impossible to be ignored.  You deserve it.

So, in the end, I guess that’s my answer.  Why make a blog about clothes?  Because clothes are the best thing I have in my arsenal to show everyone else who I am.  I’m poor, I have a lot of clothes, and this is how I’m using them to kick arse and take names on a daily basis. 

Your Nerd on a Budget,

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