Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Clothing Dump #2

Outfits for this week:

My goal this week was to avoid boots and cardigans.  I did really well in the boots department... only wore them once!  As far as cardigans go... I practically failed that mission.  I have a lot of cardigans and its really cold in my classroom.  I guess I need to choose my battles...

Skirt (so old I have no idea where I purchased it), sweater (Gap Outlet), booties (Target)
This looks a little school-marmy on the outside.  But... the pencil skirt is really cute in the back.  Its got a little ruffley flap-type thing.  I tried to take a picture, but I'm not sure you can see it. 

 The point is, this looks better on that it does laid out. 

Black skinnies (Target), white tee (Target), grey shirt (Target), black mary-janes (Urban Outfitters)
Aaah, blessed almost-casual day, so I wore my "almost" dressy black skinnies.  Super comfy.  I would wear them everyday if I could.  Also... I don't know if I would count the grey shirt as a cardigan or not... I might bend the rules and say it isn't. 

Black pencil skirt (Gap Outlet), Grey Cardie (Forever 21), blue blouse (Old Navy), Blue Pointy-toes (Steve Maddens: Christmas present, not sure where they were purchased)
I really really love these shoes.  I'm having trouble building outfits for them though.  I think I just need to wear them with whatever color I have on and see how it works. 

Red turtleneck (Target), Tan belted skirt (H&M), tan heels (seriously old hand me downs from my sister)
Valentine's Day, so I had to wear red.  These things happen in elementary schools.  The turtleneck is OK, not my favorite.  I don't usually like high-neck things, they feel constrictive.  The skirt, however, has pockets, so of course its a winner.  The shoes caused a ruckus.  I realize I don't often wear heels, but its been known to happen.  I didn't know I'd cause such a fuss! As stated above, they have to be at least 10 years old, but they're still cute. 

Zipper dress (H&M), leggings (Wal- Mart), blue cardigan (H&M), black sequin flats (Target)
J bought me this dress for my birthday.  I love it.  Its my newest article of clothing, but I've already worn it 4 times.  I love it :)  

Red cardigan (Target), Infinity scarf (Target) brown leather boots (Target), leggings (Wal-Mart), black tee shirt dress (Old Navy)
This was a weekend outfit.  Super comfy.  Had to break out the boots though (It was snowing, in my defense!)

These clothing dumps are kinda fun!  I'm having trouble this week though.  Tired grumpy mornings don't make for the best outfit selections.  We shall see...

Your Nerd on a Budget,

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