Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting to Know You

Getting to know all about you...

I realize that you don't know me. Unless of course, you do.  If you do, you were most likely directed here from Facebook, so... Hi!  Thanks for reading!  Leave a comment!

If you don't know me, I'd like you to know me a bit better.  If all you know of me is what you read here, you would just think I'm a poor girl who likes clothes and does laundry. I need to provide documentation for the "Nerd" part of "Nerd on a Budget" before you think I've labelled myself unjustly.  After thinking awhile, I thought a pretty good way to let you know more about me is to show you the contents of my purse.  My purse goes with me most places, so I figure the stuff in it must be there for a reason.  Lets see how it goes...

First, this is my purse.  

This is the newest thing I own, and I am quite fond of it.  It was purchased at target for $9, with a gift card from my equally nerdy sister.  $9 clearance purse on a gift card... ultimate budget purchase.  SCORE.  

Beside it are my keys.  Keys always go on a carabiner.  I hate when I can't hook my keys on things.  It might be an OCD thing.  The only other notable thing about the keys is the talking mustache keyring, a gift from my future sis-in-law.  It says "Why, hello there!"

Now, brace yourselves... cuz I'm about to go all super organized up in here. Lets do this... LIKE A NERD.

  1. Moleskine Journal:  I take notes, write lists, and doodle compulsively.  I need a place to write things down.  Enter, Moleskine journal.  Its a complete mess of covered pages, and I love it. 
  2. Extra Journal:  So this little guy snuck in here. He's normally in my schoolbag.  Apparently my compulsion to doodle has escalated to the point of needing two journals.  I may need medication.
  3. The Hobbit:  I always have a book on me.  The worst thing in the world would be getting stuck somewhere without a book to read.  TERRIBLE.  I stuck The Hobbit in to reread after seeing the movie.  On a related note, I think Martin Freeman actually is a hobbit.  Thats why he was so good in that role. 
  4. Checkbook:  Boring, but necessary.  It does have a mustache-shaped business card paperclipped inside though.  It makes me laugh when I write cheques.
  5. International Student ID:  I studied abroad in England 5 years ago.  Ever since, I've been addicted to BBC shows and beans on toast.  Yum to both.
  6. Virgin Mobile Phone Card:  from the Liverpool times.  I can't seem to throw it away, because I think I still have some minutes on it...
  7. Library Card:  Yup.  Yup.
  8. Saxophone Reed:  Did I mention I teach music?  I usually have instrument parts lying around in places they don't belong. 
  9. Sonic Screwdriver:  Finally the title of the blog begins to take shape.  My sister and I have a tradition of gifting each other with toy weaponry every Christmas.  This year's violence took the shape of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.   I believe I could have called a foul on a technicality:  the screwdriver is decidedly not a weapon, but I am so chuffed to have it I will overlook such things. 
  10. Sharpie and Biro:  I need something with which to doodle in my moleskin.  A black sharpie and a blue biro are always on hand. 
  11. Myachi:  A small bean bag that you throw using the back of your hand.  My high school German teacher used these in class.  I've had one in my purse for years.  Its a very Zen activity. 
  12. Camera:  Important, though I tend to use the one on my phone more.
  13. Sunglasses:  I normally have two pairs in there, I was thoroughly surprised to just find one.  I own about 20 pairs of sunglasses, most of them purchased for $5 or less.  Except a pair of genuine Ray-Bans I found floating in the ocean this summer (true story.)
  14. Chapstick and Headache pills:  I get migraines.  Meds must be on hand.  
  15. Wallet:  My favorite color blue.  J hates that color.  No idea why. Its a bit TARDIS-like, no?
  16. iPod Classic and case:  I have nearly nearly 40 gigs of music.  I can't stand not having it all in one place, so I prefer the classic.  If Apple ever decides to discontinue the classic, I will buy them in bulk and stockpile.  Also, I am a Mac girl.  Only Apple products for me, kthnx. The case I just got for my birthday.  My awesome sister knit me an iPod case that looks like the 11th Doctor's outfit, complete with suspenders and bowtie.  It rocks. 
  17. Cat's rabies tag: The cat is called Puppy.  He wears a bowtie, because bowties are cool, and he's a dapper gentleman.  

This is Puppy, minus the bowtie.  He has his orange safety vest on instead.  Still quite dapper. 

  18.  Fingerstache:  Another handknit gift from my sister.  Just in case I need a mustache. 
  19.  Headphones:  No good having an iPod with no headphones handy.
  20.  Multitool:  I like having tools with me.  As a music/tech nerd, this gets used more than you'd suspect. 
  21.  Glasses cleaner:  This is a very anti-climatic ending.  But what can I say.  Glasses get dirty, son. 

I feel like we're old friends now.  No, I will not help you move.  Try exploring your purse/bookbag/man satchel.  What does it say about you?

Your Nerd on a Budget,

1 comment:

  1. Puppy looks so angry and alarmed in that picture! I love it. (kt)
